Waiting. What's New Here?
You know those crosswalk signs with increased accessibility? The ones that say, “Wait.” “Wait.” “Wait.” Wait till its clear. Wait til its green. Wait till you are older. Wait till tomorrow. Wait till the afternoon. Wait until your my age. Wait until your 18. Wait until you are married. Wait your turn. Waiting at the doctors. Waiting for an answer. Waiting on hold. Waiting for water to boil. Waiting for a table. Waiting at a concert. Waiting for a call. Waiting for a text. Waiting for an update. Waiting for a diagnosis. Waiting in traffic. Waiting for your birthday. Waiting for a flight. Waiting at the BMV. Waiting for school to be out.. Waiting for church to be over. Waiting for Justice. Waiting for Godot. Wait for Christmas. Wait till next year. Wait till retirement. Wait for it. Wait for it. As you all have experienced as humans, we do a lot of waiting And for the most part, we do not like it very much - especially, if the waiting is painful. From today’s lect...